Blog Links, anything related to RVN, similar Protocols, Tokens, Wall Street …

Is this the coin we have been waiting for ?

“if the code works when main net is launched on October 31st, 2018, then most people think it is a top 5 project within 3 years.

“It’s important to remember that RVN will have tokenization as a native function – not just an added layer like ETH. In my humble opinion this will help propel RVN over ETH with this native feature.”


“BTC and all of the forkers now realize that ravencoin is what BTC was meant to be.”

Binance: Top Cryptos in Volume (17/10/18)

Could this be what’s going to happen in the near future ?


Top 4 crypto coins



Maybe in a different order ?


Anyway, this is the situation on the 18/10/18 – 10H30 UTC+2

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